哈立德• 汗 (Khalid Khan) 博士



姓名:哈立德 (Khalid Khan) 博士 (Ph.D.)


地址:Village Dalasa, P.O Fatma, Mardan (NWFP), Pakistan (巴基斯坦)

生日:1983, 3, 30



联系电话 (NIC #)16101-3040569-3





• MS-Office命令

能够在LAN / WAN环境中工作



英语 (English)Urdu语、Pushto 语(能流利地阅读,书写和对话)


20142017   于中国海洋大学经济与金融学院,获经济学博士学位


博士论文题目:The Distinctive Characteristics of the Producer  Price Index (PPI)       

and Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).)

20102012   于巴基斯坦Comsat信息技术研究所,获财务金融学硕士学位

20052007   于巴基斯坦白夏瓦管理科学研究所,获经营管理学硕士(MBA)

学位 (财务金融组)

20022004   于巴基斯坦Mardan 政府学位学院,获科学学士学位


2008, 8, 182009, 7, 31   Allied Bank Ltd.   会计、客户服务与存款部门

2007, 6, 12007, 8, 31     United Bank Ltd.  国际贸易、外汇和财务部门

2007, 2, 62007, 5, 7       Habib Bank Ltd.  存款、票据和汇款部门

巴基斯坦银行家研究所 (巴基斯坦国家银行;State Bank of Pakistan) 实习6个月。



[1]Su, Chi-Wei; Khan, Khalid; Lobont, Oana-Ramona; Sung, Hao-Chang (2016). Is there any Relationship between Producer Price Index and Consumer Price Index in Slovakia? A Bootstrap Rolling Approach 1. Ekonomicky Casopis, 64(7), 611-628.

[2]Khalid Khan, Chi-Wei Su, Nicoleta - Claudia MOLDOVAN, De-Ping XIONG (2017). Distinctive Characteristics of the causality between the PPI AND CPI: Evidence from Romania. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetic Studies and Research, 51(2), 103-123.

[3]Adnan Khurshid, Yin Kedong, Adrian Cantemir Calin, Khalid Khan (2017). The Effect of Workers’ Remittances on Exchange Rate Volatility and Exports Dynamics-New Evidence from Pakistan, The Romanian Economic Journal, 63, 29-52.

[4] Khalid Khan, SU Chi-Wei,Adnan Khurshid (2016).Can the Fisher Effect Theory work in Pakistan? Asian Economic Journal. (审稿中-SSCI)

[5]Chi-Wei Su, Khalid Khan, Adelina Dumitrescu – Peculea, De-Ping Xiong (2017). Is there any Relationship between Producer Price Index and Consumer Price Index in the Czech Republic? The Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting (审稿中- SSCI).

[6] Chi-Wei Su, Khalid Khan, Hsu-Ling Chang, Adelina Dumitrescu (2017) Does the Producer Price Index Granger cause the Consumer Price Index in the Central and Eastern European Countries? The journal of international trade and economic Development (审稿中-SSCI)

[7] Khalid khan, Chi-Wei SU,Adnan Khurshid (2016).The causal relationship between the exchange rate and stock market in Pakistan: A Bootstrap Rolling window approach. Asian Economic Journal. (审稿中-SSCI).

[8]Khalid Khan, Chi-Wei SU,Causal Relationship between Monetary Policy and the Stock Market in Pakistan: A Bootstrap Rolling window approach. (审稿中).

[9] Adnan Khurshid, Yin Kedong, Adrian Cantemir Călin, Khalid Khan (2017). Do remittances contribute in the financial development and growth of the developing economy? (审稿中-SCI).

[10]Omar, A. B., Sultan, N., Zaman, K., Bibi, N., Wajid, A., & Khan, K. (2011). Customer perception towards online banking services: Empirical evidence from Pakistan. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Vol. 16, No. 2, August 2011.


全球经济与治理研讨会 (GLOBAL ECONOMY & GOVERNANCE), 2016, 10, 13-16. 中国海洋大学,青岛。